.. tomso documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Nov 8 10:58:52 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ``tomso``: Tools for Models of Stars and their Oscillations =========================================================== .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub-warrickball%2Ftomso-blue.svg :target: https://github.com/warrickball/tomso .. image:: https://github.com/warrickball/tomso/actions/workflows/pytest.yml/badge.svg .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-orange.svg?style=flat :target: https://github.com/warrickball/tomso/blob/main/LICENSE ``tomso`` is a set of Python modules for loading and saving input and output files for and from stellar evolution and oscillation codes. The functions are bundled together in modules that correspond to a specific stellar evolution code, stellar oscillation code or file format. ``tomso`` currently supports the `FGONG `_ format and various input/output files for `ADIPLS `_, `GYRE `_, `MESA `_ and `STARS `_. The code is intended to be the minimum necessary to usefully manipulate input and output data. The only current requirement is *NumPy*. *Matplotlib* is optional and only required for the command-line plotter. Installation ------------ You can install most recent stable(ish) version of ``tomso`` from the `Python Package Index `_ using:: pip3 install tomso perhaps with the ``--user`` flag, depending how you administer your system and with ``-U`` or ``--upgrade`` to upgrade from a previous version. The `development version `_ is on GitHub. The repo also includes unit tests and test data, which I try to omit from the PyPI package to keep it small. The tests are written using `unittest `_ and must be run from the `tests` directory. I usually run the tests using `pytest `_ with:: cd tests pytest but you can run them as standalone Python scripts with, e.g.:: ls test_*.py | xargs -n1 python3 The tests retrieve some online data to check that we can read from URLs. These will fail if you're offline or run slowly if your internet connection is slow. Basic usage ----------- ``tomso`` provides a straightforward interface for multiple tasks on stellar models. For a simple real-world example, to convert an FGONG file (that doesn't have *G* in the header) to an ADIPLS binary stellar model file, use:: from tomso import fgong m = fgong.load_fgong('model.fgong', G=6.67430e-8) a = m.to_amdl() a.to_file('model.amdl') You can also use the command-line interface::: tomso convert model.fgong -o model.amdl -G 6.67430e-8 The object-oriented interface makes plotting easier. Here's Fig. (7.30) of Aerts, Christensen-Dalsgaard & Kurtz (2010): .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from tomso import fgong S = fgong.load_fgong('https://users-phys.au.dk/jcd/solar_models/fgong.l5bi.d.15c', G=6.67232e-8) pl.plot(S.tau, np.gradient(S.cs, S.tau)/1e4) pl.xlabel("τ (sec)") pl.ylabel("dc/dτ (10⁴ cm/s²)") pl.axis([100., 3000., 0., 2.5]) The command-line interface also allows you to make some quick look plots, like a propagation diagram for Model S: :: tomso plot "https://users-phys.au.dk/jcd/solar_models/fgong.l5bi.d.15c" -G 6.67232e-8 -x x -y N S_1 --legend auto --scale-y 0.1591549e3 --plotter semilogy --axhline 5.2 --xlabel "r/R" --ylabel "frequency (mHz)" where the ``--scale-factor`` multiplies the angular frequencies by 1000/2π. .. plot:: from tomso import cli args = cli.get_parser().parse_args("plot ../tests/data/modelS.fgong -G 6.67232e-8 -x x -y N S_1 --legend auto --scale-y 0.1591549e3 --plotter semilogy --axhline 5.2 --xlabel r/R --ylabel frequency (mHz)".split()) args.func(args) The code is described in more detail through the links in the *user guide*. The *module APIs* list all available functions. Contributing ------------ Something isn't working ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Search `the issues `_ on GitHub and, if your problem hasn't been addressed before, open a new issue that describes what you tried to do, what you expected to happen and what happened instead. In case it's helpful, include your operating system, Python version and NumPy version. Also try to include a `minimal working example `_, including the files (or parts thereof) that are causing the problem. I found a bug and wrote a patch to fix it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you've found the problem is something in ``tomso`` that doesn't work as it should and fixed it yourself, great! Open a `pull request `_ that describes what the problem was and how your patch fixes it. I want ``tomso`` to support my favourite file format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open an issue with links to the specification of the file format or where I can find (or create) examples with which to test new code. I have limited time to extend ``tomso``'s features unless it happens to align with research I'm doing but I'll try my best to implement something. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: User guide outputs models script .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: Module APIs adipls constants cli fgong gyre mesa stars utils .. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` Thanks ++++++ * `Earl Bellinger `_, who showed me how to read Fortran binary files in Python, without which most of the ADIPLS module would be impossible. * `Vincent Böning `_, who extended ``adipls.load_amde`` to read output with ``inomde=2`` or ``3``.