Command-line interface

Many things I do with tomso lend themselves to being done from the command line, so tomso provides an executable script tomso, which should be in your $PATH after installing tomso. If it isn’t, let me know (e.g. by opening an issue on GitHub)! The script has three subcommands: info, convert and plot. The script uses argparse, so you can get help for the script itself with tomso -h or for any of the subcommands with tomso subcommand -h.

Unless given a format with the relevant argument, all the subcommands will try to guess the format of a file from the filename. If the guess fails, pass the format explicitly.

tomso info

The info subcommand shows some basic information about the file that you pass by calling print on the object (and therefore invoking its __str__ function). For example, tomso info ../tests/data/modelS.fgong shows some basic information about the Model S stellar model. The format is detected from the .fgong suffix.

For MESA and GYRE files, the info subcommand shows what columns are available. e.g., tomso info ../tests/data/gyre.mode_3 -F mode produces

where we explicitly provide the mode format because the .mode_3 extension obscures the fact that it’s a mode file.

Note also that the GYRE file actually has column names like Re(xi_r) but the brackets are scrubbed by NumPy’s genfromtxt function, which is how the files are read.

tomso convert

The convert subcommand converts stellar models for oscillation programs from one format to another. The currently supported formats are FGONG, ADIPLS binary models (AMDL), and GYRE models. For example, we could convert Model S from the distributed FGONG format to an ADIPLS-ready AMDL file using

tomso convert ../tests/data/modelS.fgong -o modelS.amdl -G 6.67232e-8

where the formats are inferred from the .fgong and .amdl extensions. Formats for the input and output files can be passed explicitly with the -f/--from and -t/--to flags, respectively.

The value of the gravitational constant G is passed explicitly because Model S is in an older FGONG standard that doesn’t include it in the file itself.

tomso plot

The plot subcommand facilitates quick look plots to inspect data in many of the formats that tomso supports. Let’s plot a MESA track in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram:

tomso plot ../tests/data/mesa.history -x Teff -y log_L --prune --flip-x

Note that Teff isn’t in the history file but log_Teff is and the MESALog object tries to plot 10**log_X if it can’t find X in the data. Similarly, you could plot log_Teff even if only Teff were in the data.

We can construct a similar plot for the STARS data, though it’s less interesting.

plot ../tests/data/stars.plot -F stars-plot -x logTeff -y logL --flip-x

The STARS data formats don’t yet support transforming between logarithmic and linear variables, as above.

Command line help

For completeness, here’s a reproduction of the command-line help given by typing tomso <subcommand> -h.

usage: tomso [-h] command ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: info, convert, plot



Show basic information about tomso-compatible files. Really just calls print on the object after loading it.

tomso info [-h]
           [-F {profile,guess,summary,mode,history,stars-summ,amdl,gyre,stars-plot,agsm,fgong}]
           [-G G]
           filenames [filenames ...]
Positional Arguments
Named Arguments
-F, --format

Possible choices: profile, guess, summary, mode, history, stars-summ, amdl, gyre, stars-plot, agsm, fgong

Default: “guess”


gravitational constant that, if given, will override the inferred value from a stellar model


Convert a stellar model from one format to another.

tomso convert [-h] [-f {amdl,gyre,fgong,guess}] [-t {amdl,gyre,fgong,guess}]
              -o OUTPUT_FILE [-G G] [--ivers IVERS]
Positional Arguments
Named Arguments
-f, --from

Possible choices: amdl, gyre, fgong, guess

Default: “guess”

-t, --to

Possible choices: amdl, gyre, fgong, guess

Default: “guess”

-o, --output-file

gravitational constant that, if given, will override the inferred value from the model


value of ivers for output FGONG files (default=1300)

Default: 1300


Create quick-look plots from tomso-compatible files. Many plotting options are passed to the relevant matplotlib function (e.g. axvline, xlabel). Where multiple arguments are given (e.g. for y values), the script tries to loop over them sensibly but if you’re trying to make something complicated, you’re probably better off using tomso’s modules in your own script.

tomso plot [-h]
           [-F {profile,guess,summary,mode,history,stars-summ,amdl,gyre,stars-plot,fgong}]
           [-x X] [-y Y [Y ...]] [--xlabel XLABEL [XLABEL ...]]
           [--ylabel YLABEL [YLABEL ...]] [--prune]
           [--legend LEGEND [LEGEND ...]] [-s STYLE] [--scale-x SCALE_X]
           [--scale-y SCALE_Y] [-a AXIS AXIS AXIS AXIS] [--flip-x] [--flip-y]
           [--axvline AXVLINE [AXVLINE ...]] [--axhline AXHLINE [AXHLINE ...]]
           [--plotter {plot,semilogx,semilogy,loglog}]
           [--title TITLE [TITLE ...]] [-S STYLE_FILE] [-G G]
           filenames [filenames ...]
Positional Arguments
Named Arguments
-F, --format

Possible choices: profile, guess, summary, mode, history, stars-summ, amdl, gyre, stars-plot, fgong

Default: “guess”


Default: [‘’]


Overrides the axis label with the given string. Accepts spaces. i.e. ‘effective temperature’ is OK. Default is to use the first argument of -x/-y.


Make the model number monotonic by only using the last model of with any given model number and restrict models to those with model number less than that of the last model. Useful for removing apparent reversals in time or model number because of backups and retries, and for models that finished with fewer models following a restart.

Default: False


If ‘auto’, add a legend using the filenames as keys. If ‘unique’, shorten filenames by removing common characters from the beginnings and ends. Otherwise, use the arguments as a list of keys (default is no legend).

-s, --style

point style, passed to plot function (default=’-‘)

Default: “-”


multiply variables on x-axis by this much (default=1)

Default: 1.0


multiply variables on y-axis by this much (default=1)

Default: 1.0

-a, --axis

reverse the x-axis

Default: False


reverse the y-axis

Default: False


plot a vertical line at this value (can be header key)

Default: []


plot a vertical line at this value (can be header key)

Default: []


Possible choices: plot, semilogx, semilogy, loglog

use ‘matplotlib.pyplot.plotter’ to plot (default=’plot’)

Default: “plot”


Adds the given title to the plot. Accepts spaces. i.e. ‘my plot’ is OK. Default is no title.

Default: [‘’]

-S, --style-file

Specifies a matplotlib style file to load.


gravitational constant that, if given, will override the inferred value from a stellar model