
Physical constants.

tomso.constants.k_B = 1.380649e-16

Exact value of the Boltzmann constant in cgs units.

tomso.constants.h = 6.62607015e-27

Exact value of Planck’s constant in cgs units.

tomso.constants.c_light = 29979245800.0

Exact value of the speed of light in cgs units.

tomso.constants.sigma_SB = 5.6703744191844286e-05

Exact value of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in cgs units.

tomso.constants.GMsun = 1.3271244e+26

Solar standard gravitational parameter in cgs units (IAU B3).

tomso.constants.Rsun = 69570000000.0

Solar radius in cgs units (IAU B3).

tomso.constants.Lsun = 3.828e+33

Solar luminosity in cgs units (IAU B3).

tomso.constants.Teff_sun = 5772.003429098915

Solar effective temperature in K (IAU B3).