Source code for tomso.mesa

Functions for manipulating `MESA`_ input and output files.

.. _MESA:

import numpy as np
import warnings
from tomso.utils import tomso_open, load_mesa_gyre

astero_table_dtype = [('n', int), ('chi2term', float), ('freq', float), ('corr', float),
                      ('obs', float), ('sigma', float), ('logE', float)]

[docs] def load_history(filename, prune=False): """Reads a MESA history file and returns the global data and history data a :py:class:`MESALog` object. Uses builtin `gzip` module to read files ending with `.gz`. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of the MESA history file to load. prune: bool, optional If `True`, make the model number monotonic by only using the last model of with any given model number and restrict models to those with model number less than that of the last model. Useful for removing apparent reversals in time or model number because of backups and retries, and for models that finished with fewer models following a restart. Returns ------- history: :py:class:`MESALog` object """ header, data = load_mesa_gyre(filename, 'mesa') if prune: data = data[data['model_number'] <= data['model_number'][-1]] I = np.unique(data['model_number'][::-1], return_index=True)[1][::-1] data = data[len(data) - I - 1][::-1] return MESALog(header, data)
[docs] def load_profile(filename): """Reads a MESA profile and returns the global data and profile data in a `:py:mesa:MESALog` object. Uses builtin `gzip` module to read files ending with `.gz`. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of the MESA profile to load. Returns ------- profile: :py:class:`MESALog` object """ header, data = load_mesa_gyre(filename, 'mesa') return MESALog(header, data)
[docs] def load_astero_results(filename): """Reads a set of MESA results from one of the optimization routines in the `astero` module. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of the file containing the results. Returns ------- data: structured array Array with all the results. """ with tomso_open(filename, 'rb') as f: lines = [line.replace(b'D', b'E') for line in f.readlines()] # the last column results for `search_type = simplex` fits have a # nameless column that says what kind of simplex step was taken. # we have to give it a name ourselves names = [name.decode('utf-8') for name in lines[1].split()] N_columns = len(lines[2].split()) if len(names) == N_columns - 1: names.append('step_type') data = np.genfromtxt(lines[2:-4], dtype=None, names=names, encoding='utf-8') return data
[docs] def load_astero_sample(filename): """Reads a MESA sample file that describes a model from one of the optimization routines in the `astero` module, and returns a :py:class:`MESAAsteroSample` object. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of the file containing the result. Returns ------- sample: :py:class:`MESAAsteroSample` A dictionary-like object containing all the results. """ with tomso_open(filename, 'rb') as f: lines = [line.decode('utf-8').split() for line in f.readlines() if line.strip()] # we accumulate the frequency data in lists before converting them # to arrays at the end d = {'l%i' % l: [] for l in range(4)} for line in lines: if line[0][:2] == 'l=': l = int(line[0][-1]) elif len(line) == 7: # I'm not quite sure why this hideous construction is # necessary but it seems that the recarray construction # depends on whether it gets a tuple or a list and this # seems to be faster than using numpy.loadtxt row = tuple([int(line[0])] + list(map(float, line[1:]))) d['l%i' % l].append(row) else: key = ' '.join(line[:-1]) value = float(line[-1].lower().replace('d', 'e')) d[key] = value for l in range(4): try: d['l%i' % l] = np.array(d['l%i' % l], dtype=astero_table_dtype) except ValueError: d['l%i' % l] = np.zeros(0, dtype=astero_table_dtype) return MESAAsteroSample(d)
[docs] def load_astero_samples(filenames): """Reads a list of MESA sample files that describe models from one of the optimization routines in the `astero` module, and returns a :py:class:`MESAAsteroSamples` object. Parameters ---------- filenames: iterable of strs Filenames of the files containing the result. Returns ------- samples: :py:class:`MESAAsteroSamples` A list-like object containing all the results as :py:class:`MESAAsteroSample` objects. """ return MESAAsteroSamples([load_astero_sample(filename) for filename in filenames])
# update_inlist, string_where and replace_value all ported from # mesaface. still need testing!
[docs] def update_inlist(inlist, d): """Updates parameter values in a MESA inlist file. The function searches the whole file for the parameter key. An ``IndexError`` usually means that one of the keys in dict `d` wasn't found in `inlist`. Parameters ---------- inlist: str Filename of the inlist file that will be updated. d: dict Dictionary containing the parameter names and their new values. e.g. `{'initial_mass': 1.0}` or `{'use_Ledoux_criterion': True}`. """ with open(inlist, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # don't search comments search_lines = [line.split('!', 1)[0] for line in lines] for key, value in d.items(): i = string_where(search_lines, key)[0] lines[i] = replace_value(lines[i], value) with open(inlist, 'wt') as f: f.writelines(lines)
[docs] def string_where(lines, expr): "Returns list of indices of the lines in `lines` containing `expr`." return [i for i in range(len(lines)) if expr in lines[i].split()]
[docs] def replace_value(line, value): """Replaces the parameter `value` in the given `line` of a MESA inlist. Format is inferred from the type of value: `float`, `str`, `int` or `bool`. """ equals = line.index('=')+1 if type(value) == float: return '%s %.20e\n' % (line[:equals], value) elif type(value) == str: return '%s %s\n' % (line[:equals], value) elif type(value) == int: return '%s %i\n' % (line[:equals], value) elif type(value) == bool: if value: return '%s .true.\n' % line[:equals] else: return '%s .false.\n' % line[:equals] else: raise ValueError('Value in mesa.replace_value() is not a valid type!')
[docs] class MESALog(object): """A dict-like class that contains the data for a MESA history or profile. Variables in the header or the body can be accessed by the appropriate key. e.g. ``MESALog['star_age']`` returns the `star_age` column. This class also converts from (and to) logarithmic data if it is (not) stored in that form. e.g. if a history contains ``log_dt``, you can still access ``dt`` with ``MESALog['dt']``. This object will normally be instantiated using :py:meth:`mesa.load_history` or :py:meth:`mesa.load_profile`. Parameters ---------- header: structured array Header data for the MESA history or profile. i.e. data for which there is only one value in the file. data: structured array Columned data for the history or profile. i.e. data for which there are multiple values (one per timestep or mesh point). """ def __init__(self, header, data): self.header = header = data def __len__(self): return len( def __str__(self): s = ['%s\n' % type(self)] s.append('Header:\n') for name in self.header.dtype.names: s.append('%26s = %s\n' % (name, self.header[name])) s.append('Column names:\n') N = max([len(name) for name in])+1 cols = 80//N for i, name in enumerate( s.append(name.rjust(N)) if (i+1)%cols==0: s.append('\n') return ''.join(s) def __repr__(self): with np.printoptions(threshold=10): return('MESALog(\nheader=\n%s,\ndata=\n%s)' % (self.header, def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): for source in [, self.header]: names = source.dtype.names if key in names: return source[key] elif ('log_' + key) in names: return 10.**source['log_' + key] elif ('log' + key) in names: return 10.**source['log' + key] elif key.startswith('log_') and key[4:] in names: return np.log10(source[key[4:]]) elif key.startswith('log') and key[3:] in names: return np.log10(source[key[3:]]) else: raise KeyError(key) else: # assume we're trying to slice the data array return MESALog(self.header,[key])
[docs] class MESAAsteroSample(dict): """A dict-like object that contains the data for a single sample from MESA's astero module, usually created using :py:meth:`mesa.load_astero_sample`. The frequency tables are accessed by the keys ``l0``, ``l1``, ``l2`` and ``l3``, which return NumPy record arrays with columns ``n``, ``chi2term``, ``freq``, ``corr``, ``obs``, ``sigma`` and ``logE`` that correspond to the data in MESA's ``astero`` sample files. The frequency data can also be accessed by the column names, in which case the data for all angular degrees is stacked. e.g. ``sample['freq']`` returns a stack of the uncorrected model frequencies for angular degrees 0, 1, 2 and 3. The remaining data is accessed by keys that correspond to each row of the sample data. e.g. ``model number``, ``age``, etc. """ def __init__(self, data_dict): super(MESAAsteroSample, self).__init__(**data_dict) def __getitem__(self, key): get = super(MESAAsteroSample, self).__getitem__ if key == 'l': return np.hstack([get('l%i' % i)['n']*0 + i for i in range(4)]) elif key in ['n', 'chi2term', 'freq', 'corr', 'obs', 'sigma', 'logE']: return np.hstack([get('l%i' % i)[key] for i in range(4)]) else: return get(key)
[docs] class MESAAsteroSamples(list): """A list-like object that contains a list of :py:class:`mesa.MESAAsteroSample` objects. It can be sliced much like a NumPy array except that if you ask for a valid key from the samples in the list, it returns an array with the values of that key in all the samples. e.g. ``samples['model number']`` will return an array containing the ``model number`` of each sample. """ def __init__(self, samples): super(MESAAsteroSamples, self).__init__(samples) def __getitem__(self, key): get = super(MESAAsteroSamples, self).__getitem__ if isinstance(key, (int, np.integer)): return get(key) elif isinstance(key, slice): return MESAAsteroSamples(get(key)) elif isinstance(key, (list, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(key[0], (bool, np.bool_)): return MESAAsteroSamples([ get(i) for i, b in enumerate(key) if b]) elif isinstance(key[0], (int, np.integer)): return MESAAsteroSamples([get(i) for i in key]) else: raise KeyError("cannot slice MESAAsteroSamples with NumPy array of type %s" % type(key[0])) else: return np.array([sample[key] for sample in self])