Source code for tomso.utils

"""Utility functions used by other modules."""
import numpy as np
import gzip
from .constants import sigma_SB
from .constants import GMsun, Rsun, Dnu_sun        # adiabatic
from .constants import Lsun, nu_max_sun, Teff_sun  # full

[docs] def integrate(y, x): """Integral of `y` over `x`, computed using the trapezoidal rule. i.e. :math:`\\int _{x[0]} ^x y(x') dx'`.""" dz = 0.5*(y[1:]+y[:-1])*np.diff(x) return np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(dz)))
[docs] def complement(y, x): """Complement of integral of `y` over `x`, computed using the trapezoidal rule. i.e. :math:`\\int _x^{x[-1]}y(x') dx'`.""" z = integrate(y, x) return z[-1] - z
def regularize(y0=0.0, x0=1e-12): def regularizer(f): def regularized_f(s): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): y = f(s) y[s.x < x0] = y0 return y return regularized_f return regularizer
[docs] def tomso_open(filename, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper function to open files ending with `.gz` with built-in `gzip` module or paths starting with `http` using `urllib.request.urlopen`, otherwise use normal open. `.gz` and normal modes take the same arguments as `open` and `` and return a file object.""" if filename.startswith('http'): from urllib.request import urlopen return urlopen(filename) elif filename.lower().endswith('.gz'): return, *args, **kwargs) else: return open(filename, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_mesa_gyre(filename, mesa_or_gyre): """Most MESA and GYRE output files both adhere to a similar columned ASCII format, so it makes more sense to have one implementation for reading them, rather than re-implementing it in each submodule. """ with tomso_open(filename, 'rb') as f: lines = f.readlines() if mesa_or_gyre == 'mesa': header = np.genfromtxt(lines[1:3], names=True, dtype=None, encoding='utf-8') elif mesa_or_gyre == 'gyre': # the GYRE header might be empty try: header = np.genfromtxt(lines[2:4], names=True, dtype=None, encoding='utf-8') except IndexError: header = None else: raise ValueError("mesa_or_gyre must be either 'mesa' or 'gyre', not %s" % mesa_or_gyre) data = np.genfromtxt(lines[5:], names=True, dtype=None, encoding='utf-8') return header, data
[docs] def get_Teff(L, R): """Determine the effective temperature `Teff` for a given luminosity `L` and radius `R`, both in cgs units.""" return (L/(4.*np.pi*R**2*sigma_SB))**0.25
[docs] class AdiabaticStellarModel(object): """Base stellar model class that defines properties that are computed the same way in all stellar model formats for which only adiabatic frequencies can be calculated.""" def __str__(self): return '\n'.join([ '%s' % type(self), 'M %9.3e g %7.3f Msun' % (self.M, self.G*self.M/GMsun), 'R %9.3e cm %8.3f Rsun' % (self.R, self.R/Rsun), 'Dnu %9.1f uHz %7.3f Dnu_sun' % (self.Dnu, self.Dnu_factor) ]) @property def Dnu_factor(self): return (self.G*self.M/GMsun/self.R**3*Rsun**3)**0.5 @property def Dnu(self): return self.Dnu_factor*Dnu_sun @property @regularize() def g(self): return self.G*self.m/self.r**2 @property def dP_dr(self): return -self.rho*self.g @property @regularize(y0=np.inf) def Hp(self): return -self.P/self.dP_dr @property @regularize() def drho_dr(self): return -self.rho*(1/self.Gamma_1/self.Hp + self.AA/self.r) @property @regularize(y0=np.inf) def Hrho(self): return -self.rho/self.drho_dr @property def n_eff(self): return 1/(self.Hrho/self.Hp-1) @property def cs2(self): return self.Gamma_1*self.P/self.rho @property def cs(self): return self.cs2**0.5 @property def N(self): y = np.full(len(self.x), 0.) y[self.N2>0] = self.N2[self.N2>0]**0.5 return y @property @regularize(y0=np.inf) def S2_1(self): return 2.*self.cs2/self.r**2 @property def S_1(self): return self.S2_1**0.5
[docs] class FullStellarModel(AdiabaticStellarModel): """Base stellar model class that defines properties that are computed the same way in all stellar model formats for which both adiabatic and non-adiabatic frequencies can be calculated.""" def __str__(self): return super(FullStellarModel, self).__str__() + '\n' + \ '\n'.join([ 'L %9.3e erg/s %8.3f Lsun' % (self.L, self.L/Lsun), 'Teff %7i K %7.3f Teff_sun' % (self.Teff, self.Teff/Teff_sun), 'nu_max %7i uHz %7.3f nu_max_sun' % (self.nu_max, self.nu_max_factor)]) @property def Teff(self): return get_Teff(self.L, self.R) @property def nu_max_factor(self): return self.G*self.M/GMsun/(self.R/Rsun)**2/(self.Teff/Teff_sun)**0.5 @property def nu_max(self): return self.nu_max_factor*nu_max_sun @property def Gamma_2(self): return 1.0/(1.0-self.grad_a) @property def Gamma_3(self): return 1. + (1.-1./self.Gamma_2)*self.Gamma_1 @property def grad_r(self): return 3*self.kappa*self.P*self.L_r/(64.*np.pi*sigma_SB*self.G*self.m*self.T**4) @property def tau_opt(self): y = self.rho*self.kappa if np.all(np.diff(self.x) < 0): return -integrate(y, self.r) else: tau_opt = integrate(y[::-1], self.r[::-1])[::-1] return np.max(tau_opt)-tau_opt